Admins and moderators are the only ones who can access a Space’s “Submissions” tab. Please note that content contributed by admins, moderators, and contributors are posted directly to the Space and do not need approval.
Submission moderation often involves the following steps:
Viewing submissions: Space teams can visit the “Submissions” tab under “Settings, or click the “Inbox” icon on their Space home page. From there, teams can choose to “Approve” or “Pass” submissions.
Approving submissions: Clicking “Approve” automatically posts the submission, and a notification is sent to the submitter. Space teams can click the clock icon to add submissions to their queue,or they can click the “...” to invite the submitter to be a contributor. If needed, Space teams can click “Undo” to revert submission approvals.
Passing submissions: Clicking “Pass” removes submissions from the pending list. Notifications will not be sent to inform the submitter. However, Space teams can provide a reason for passing a submission from the submitter, in which case that submitter will be notified that their submission was passed on, with the reason given. If needed, Space teams can click “Undo” to revert submission passes.
Reviewing duplicate submissions: If a post already exists in a Space, the “Submission” window will let admins and moderators know. Space teams can then decide whether to pass or approve the duplicate submission.
Additional moderation steps: To ensure shred content aligns with your Space, consider taking the following actions:
- Hide duplicate content
- Invite submitters to be contributors
- Message the submitter
- Block users who post spam, inappropriate or policy-violating content