Choosing and inviting the right collaborators to your Space can be key to its growth. Things to consider when searching for collaborators include their:
- Expertise: Are they a subject-matter expert? Do they work in a relevant field?
- Contributions: If they’re following your Space, what have they contributed? How have their posts performed?
- Quality: If your Space generates original content, does their writing style align with your Space? If your Space accepts submissions, do their interests align with your Space’s theme?
When you are ready to add collaborators, they can be added in two ways: through an invitation or an application.
Inviting collaborators
Owners can invite others to become admins and moderators to help manage content and submissions in their Spaces. To invite collaborators to a Space, follow these steps:
- Review the Space roles available. From your Space’s home page, click “Invite.” You can also add collaborators from the “People” tab.
- Select a collaborator role from the dropdown menu. If you are on the “People” tab, click “Invite” under the respective role.
Identify the Quora users you wish to add to your Space team, or click "Import contacts" on the bottom right corner to invite users you are connected to on Google. You can also get an invitation link if you are adding contributors.
Customize your invitation and click “Send invite” to deliver it.
To cancel an invitation to your Space, visit the "Pending invites" section of the "People" tab. Click the "..." next to the person's name, then select "Uninvite". If the person already accepted the invitation, you can remove them from your Space or change their role by clicking the "..." next to their name.
Collaborator applications
Anyone who is not already a contributor can apply to become one by going to a Space’s “About” tab and clicking the “Apply here!” banner.
Depending on their role, Space owners, admins, and moderators can review pending requests under the “People” tab. They can view an applicant’s Quora profile, approve their application, or decline their application. Approving a request automatically makes the requestor a contributor, and these actions will be recorded in the admin log.
Spaces owners and admins can also disable collaborator applications by visiting the “Invitations and requests” section in their Space’s settings.
Transferring Space ownership
A Space owner can transfer ownership to another admin from the "People" tab. To invite an admin to be the owner, click the "..." next to their name.
If your Space is enrolled in an earning program, and you and the prospective owner intend to keep earnings programs active through the transfer, ensure that the prospective owner resides in a country where earnings are supported.
If a Space owner leaves Quora, ownership will be automatically transferred to the longest tenured admin.