Several tools exist to help teams collaborate and manage their Spaces.
The queue lets admins and moderators collect content and distribute it consistently throughout the day. Content in a queue is automatically posted over a staggered period of time, which can be customized in a Space’s “Queue” tab under “Settings.”
Queueing content makes it easier to share posts, suggestions, and submissions without posting multiple items at the same time. The steps to queue an item vary depending on how it is created. The most common ways to queue content includes:
Share icons: To share a post or answer with your Space, click the share icon. After selecting your Space from the dropdown menu, you can click “Share” to post immediately, or click the dropdown arrow to add posts to your queue.
Clock icons: When viewing Space suggestions and submissions, a clock will appear in the bottom-right corner. Clicking the clock will add content to your Space’s queue.
For more information, visit How do I add content to my Space?.
Admin Log
The admin log records all actions taken in your Space, such as what contributors added, who’s been invited to the Space, or when the Space’s settings have been changed.
From the admin log, Space owners and admins can perform the following actions:
- Thank Space collaborators for adding content
- Revert changes made by other Space members
- Report changes as spam
Quality Tab
Quality is key for a Space’s growth. Having consistent, high-quality content lets your followers know exactly what to expect from your Space. The quality of your posts also establishes a standard for user submissions and Space community guidelines.
To help maintain your Space’s quality, reported posts will appear under the Admin Dashboard’s “Quality” tab. This is an important tool to ensure your Space is up to standard in the following ways:
- Moderation: If a user posts irrelevant or inappropriate content to your Space, followers can report it for an admin to review. Admins can take action by removing content, blocking users, or changing a user’s role (ex. changing a contributor to a follower).
- Consistency: In conjunction with the Admin Log, admins can use the “Quality” tab to identify moderators and contributors consistently posting low-quality content. This can open discussions among Space collaborators to realign on content guidelines.
- Engagement: Space followers can report posts made by non-admins, which is one way they can contribute to Spaces. Space admins can take additional steps towards bulk messaging collaborators to define content guidelines and community norms.
When a post is reported, the “Quality” tab will appear in the Admin Dashboard. Admins can choose to re-approve the post, or remove it from the Space. If nothing was reported, the “Quality” tab will not appear.