As Quora has expanded to support many different languages, one thing we've found is that similar questions are often asked in multiple languages. In many of those cases, someone has already written a great answer to it in one of those languages. If that answer were translated and available in other languages, it could greatly help the people who wanted to know the answer to the question but couldn't find and/or read the original answer.
If you're active in more than one language on Quora, you'll be able to select the "Translate Answer" option in the 'More' menu (e.g., the "...") on an answer:
Once translated and submitted, the answer will appear in that language and will show you as the author; however, it will also credit the original author and link back to the answer that was translated. Here's an example of an answer that was translated from English to Spanish:
What are my options as the original author of a translated answer?
If you're the original author, you will be notified about a translation of your answer once it's been submitted. We think giving users the ability to translate your answers will help share that knowledge with more people around the world. However, if you prefer that an answer you wrote not be available for translation, you can select the "Not for Translation" option in the 'More' menu for that specific answer. This will remove any existing translation of that answer, and will also prevent it from being translated in the future.
You can also update your translation preferences in your Account Settings by toggling the setting: "Allow other people to translate your answers into other languages." This setting will apply to all answers you've written on Quora.