Please note that this policy does not apply to Quora Spaces. To learn more about our policies for Spaces & Space content, please see: Spaces Policies
Profile and topic credentials are short descriptions of your expertise, experience, or interests that are shown next to your name on answers. Credentials must be true and helpful.
A good credential helps:
- Others understand who you are and why you're a good person to answer the question
- Others decide which questions to ask you to answer
- Your answers get more views
Topic credentials should:
- Be true, helpful, and describe a personal connection to a topic, in a way that an average reader can understand
- Be understandable without the topic name
- "Seen hundreds of movies" is a good bio for Movies, but "Seen hundreds of them" is not. People don't see the topic name next to bios. In a question about Operas and Movies, "them" is ambiguous
- "10 years living in the Bay Area" is a good credential for the San Francisco Bay Area topic, but "lived here" is ambiguous.
- Describe your expertise, experience, or interest in the topic
- Expertise: "Director of Pulp Fiction"
- Experience: "Seen hundreds of movies at film festivals"
- Interest: "Loves watching Christopher Nolan's films"
Profile credentials should:
- Be true, helpful, and describe a personal connection to at least one topic area which a person could write about
- Can be a general description of your expertise, experience, or interests
- "Artist and novelist from the Pacific Northwest"
- "Theoretical physicist, American expat in Germany"
- Personal descriptions, statements of values, and/or personal philosophies are acceptable only if they relate to a specific topic area
Credentials that don't meet the above criteria will be flagged by Quora Moderation and hidden until the user edits and improves them. If you think your credential adheres to the above policy and has been wrongly hidden, please use this contact form to submit your appeal.