- As of July 16, 2021, anonymous question asking is no longer supported. Please see for further details.
- As of November 22, 2021, it is no longer be possible to answer questions anonymously. Please see for further details.
An Anonymous Edit Link is a link that allows you to control anonymous content you have added to the Quora platform. Every anonymously added question and answer is assigned a unique Anonymous Edit Link.
- For questions, the Anonymous Edit Link allows you to anonymously edit the question text, question details, and topics. Edits made from any other URL will show up in the log with the name of the person who made the edits.
- For answers, the Anonymous Edit Link will be the only way to edit or delete an anonymous answer.
Anonymous Edit Links are not associated with a specific user account. This means that anyone who has the Anonymous Edit Link can use it to anonymously edit the associated question or anonymously edit/delete the associated answer. So, it is extremely important that you keep your Anonymous Edit Links safe and do not share them with anyone.