Quora+ revenue sharing
Earn on your own schedule with Quora+ revenue sharing. People join Quora+ for $6.99/month or $47.88/year to get full access to content on Quora. Spaces can earn a share of this revenue by offering content exclusive to Quora+ subscribers. Quora+ revenue sharing is ideal for Spaces looking to earn on paid content without the commitment of offering a monthly or yearly subscription. It is also ideal for Spaces that enjoy the flexibility of monetizing the content of their choosing across a broad audience.
For more information, visit What are frequently asked questions about Quora+ Revenue Sharing for Spaces?
How are earnings calculated for Quora+ revenue sharing?
You earn a portion of Quora+ fees when subscribers read or interact with your Space’s Quora+ exclusive content. Reading time and interaction frequency will impact your earnings. Additionally, your Space earns a referral bonus each time a non-subscriber signs up for Quora+ from a post that belongs to your Space. Earnings are accumulated and Space owners receive up to monthly payouts.
What will my audience see?
Quora+ subscribers will have access to all content in your Space. For any post in your Space, you will have the option to reserve it for Quora+ subscribers only, allow anyone to access, or enable the adaptive paywall to let Quora’s algorithms adopt different variations to optimize per reader. Non-subscribers may see a paywall when attempting to access subscribers-only content, upon which they can choose to become a Quora+ subscriber.