If someone is harassing you on Quora, you should report the harassing pieces of content using the "Report" option found in the "..." menu. You can report things like comments, answers, and questions for harassment. We take these reports seriously and will take action if a user is found to be in violation of our Platform Policies.
If the behavior continues, we recommend that you block the user. Here are some things that someone won't be able to do if you block them:
- Follow you
- Turn on notifications for your updates
- Appear in your feed of Digest
- @-mention you
- Comment on your answers
- Send you an Answer Request
- Upvote or downvote your comments
Learn more about blocking someone by visiting What happens when I block someone on Quora?.
To learn how to block someone please visit How do I block someone on Quora?
If someone is harassing you outside of Quora and you are concerned about your physical safety, please contact your local law enforcement.